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  • 研究交流会 | Annual meeting

    研究交流会 | Annual meeting


    The 33rd annual meeting will be held from August 28th to 30th, 2024 by online.

  • 入会案内 | Membership

    入会案内 | Membership

    To promote mutual understand in the field of plant-microbe interactions by bringing together researchers at a meeting held every year somewhere in Japan.

お知らせ | News

於:岡山大学 at Okayama University
於:宮崎青島パームビーチホテル 共催:宮崎大学 (第1回植物微生物共生と窒素固定に関するアジア国際会議と合同開催) at Miyazaki Aoshima…
於:松本市あがたの森文化会館 共催:信州大学 at Agata-No-Mori Culture Center
於:奈良女子大学 at Nara Women's University
於:鹿児島大学 at Kagoshima University



Aims of the Society

To promote the field of plant-microbe interactions by bringing researchers together at an annual meeting held in Japan. The Society also aims to promote international activities by requesting all members to provide both Japanese and English abstracts at the meeting.